Scientific program
J. Rees (Edinburgh, UK)
Phototypes and melanic system
J-P Ortonne (Archet Hospital, Nice)
Sun exposure risk and melanoma: Epidemiology and public health
J-C Béani (Michalon Hospital, Grenoble)
Role of endogenous and exogenous antioxidant defense in photoprotection
A. Favier (CEA, Grenoble)
UV interactions with the genome: from adaptive response to mutagenic lesion
S. Hadj Rabia (Necker Hospital, Paris)
Orphan diseases and photoprotection
P. Bordat (Pierre Fabre Research Institute, Vigoulet)
Photoprotection index evaluation methods: the manufacturer's perspective
M. Lemaitre (French Society of Dermatology - SFD)
Photoprotection: the dermatologist's perspective in everyday practice
D. Guerrero (Dermatologist, Béziers)
Psychology of sun exposure
Ch. Taïeb (Pharmaco-economic program manager – Pierre Fabre)
Photoprotectors and public health: the pharmacoepidemiologist's perspective