Facial redness and rosacea
Scientific program
B. Cribier (Strasbourg University Hospital Center)
History of "red faces". Pathophysiology of couperose and rosacea
O. Chosidow (Hospitals of Paris)
Epidemiological data on rosacea
M. Jansen (Essen, GERMANY)
Clinical forms and classification of rosacea.
M.S Doutre (Bordeaux University Hospital Center)
About certain "red faces"
L. Misery (Bordeaux University Hospital Center)
Sensitive skin and rosacea: nosological framework
A. Parodi (Genova, ITALY)
Therapeutic treatment of rosacea
D. Guerrero (Dermatologist, Beaufort)
Cosmetic treatment of couperose and rosacea
S. Dahan (Dermatologist, Toulouse)
Laser treatment of couperose and rosacea