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Jean-Paul Ortonne (Nice, FRANCE)
Welcome and Introduction

Jean-Paul Ortonne is Professor of Dermatology and Chairman, Department of Dermatology, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, and scientific director of a Clinical Pharmacology Centre of Dermatology. Between 1990 - 2004 he was head of a research laboratory appointed by INSERM which examined skin biology and physiopathology.
Professor Ortonne’s major medical interests are clinical pharmacology in dermatology and psoriasis, melanin pigmentary disorders (in particular, vitiligo and pigmentary genodermatoses) and the dermo-epidermal junction. He is best known for his work on vitiligo and his group described a new component of the epidermal basement membrane, known as laminin-5, which is involved in the pathogenesis of junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB).
Professor Ortonne is a founding member of the French Society for Dermatological Research and was President of this organisation between 1984 and 1985. He was a member of the board of directors of the Société Française de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie (President in 1996). During 1996–1998 Professor Ortonne was President of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, and he was the Secretary General of the World Congress of Dermatology in PARIS in 2002. He was a member of the International Committee of Dermatology which is the Board of the International League of Dermatology Societies (ILDS) (1998-2007) and is member of the International Psoriasis Council.
Professor Ortonne has written over 612 clinical/research papers as well as monographs entitled ‘Vitiligo and other hypomelanoses of hair and skin’, and ‘Photo-damaged skin’ monograph. He is co-editor and co-author of the textbooks ‘The pigmentary system: Physiology and pathophysiology’ and ‘Mechanisms of sun-tanning’.
Mark Berneburg (GERMANY)
Pigmentary lesions induced by ultraviolet radiation and other sources of DNA damage

After his medical training Mark Berneburg specialized in Dermatology in the department of Pr. Thomas Ruzicka under the supervision of Pr. Jean Krutmann in the Department of Dermatology, Düsseldorf, Germany. From 1997-1999 he did a postdoc in the laboratory of Pr. Alan Lehmann at the MRC Cell Mutation Unit, Brighton, UK. In 1999 he returned to Düsseldorf to set up his own scientific young investigator group funded by the DFG Emmy Noether Program. In 2002 he became board certified dermatologist and was appointed head of the laser section in the Department of Dermatology, Düsseldorf. In 2003 he accepted a clinical consultant position and Assistant Professorship in the Department of Dermatology, Director Pr. Martin Röcken, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany. Here he currently works as clinical and scientific head consultant. Clinical work comprises general dermatology of inpatients including all stages of melanoma, Phototherapy and Photodiagnostics, Photodynamic Therapy and Lymphoma.
He is head of the Center for Rare Skin Diseases and his laboratory is reference center for rare diseases with defects in DNA repair. His scientific interest and expertise lies in the areas of genodermatoses with increased skin cancer and pigmentary changes, photobiology including photocarcinogenesis and photoaging.
Mark Berneburg has published scientific and clinical papers in more than 90 highly ranked international, peer reviewed journals as well as more than 20 reviews and more than 20 book chapters.
Mauro Picardo (Rome, ITALY)
In vivo confocal microscopy in hyperpigmented lesions

Mauro Picardo, is a dermatologist Director of the Cutaneous Physiopathology Laboratory and Metabolomic Center at the San Gallicano Dermatological Institute in Rome. He was trained at the Rome University “La Sapienza”. His main topics of interest are skin biochemistry, free radicals mediated damage of the skin, mechanism of control of skin pigmentation, depigmenting agents vitiligo. Moreover as chairman of the Integrated Center of Metabolomic Research (CIRM) at the San Gallicano Institute, coordinate lipidomic studies on acne and related disorders (seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea) in sebum and blood samples His group has defined several collaborations with national and international research groups. He served or has served in the Board of national (SIDEMAST) and International (EIS, ESDR, ESPCR) scientific societies. In collaboration with Alain Taieb he chairs the Vitiligo European Task Force and the Pigmentary disorders group of the EADV. Dr Picardo is member of the Editoral Board of some dermatological and biochemical journals including Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research. He was associated editor of Pigment Cell Research. He is author of more than 250 publications in peer reviewed journals and of more than 30 chapters in different books. In collaboration with A. Taieb is co-editor of a text “Vitiligo” (Springer ed, 2010). Dr Mauro Picardo is the President of the International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies.
Hee-Young Kang (KOREA)

Hee Young Kang, M.D., Ph. D. is an associate professor of the department of dermatology at the Ajou University
School of Medicinein Suwon, Korea. She started her studies in medicine in 1988 at the Ajou University School
of Medicine and receivedher M.D. and Ph.D. from the Ajou University Graduate School. She trained in dermatology
at the Ajou University Hospital (1997-2001). She had a visiting scholar in department of dermatology
at the University of Nice in France (2008-2009). Besides clinical dermatology, her scientific focus is in
the pigmentary disorders including melasma and vitiligo.
Mauro Picardo (Rome, ITALY)
Inflammation and pigmentation

Mauro Picardo, is a dermatologist Director of the Cutaneous Physiopathology Laboratory and Metabolomic Center at the San Gallicano Dermatological Institute in Rome. He was trained at the Rome University “La Sapienza”. His main topics of interest are skin biochemistry, free radicals mediated damage of the skin, mechanism of control of skin pigmentation, depigmenting agents vitiligo. Moreover as chairman of the Integrated Center of Metabolomic Research (CIRM) at the San Gallicano Institute, coordinate lipidomic studies on acne and related disorders (seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea) in sebum and blood samples His group has defined several collaborations with national and international research groups. He served or has served in the Board of national (SIDEMAST) and International (EIS, ESDR, ESPCR) scientific societies. In collaboration with Alain Taieb he chairs the Vitiligo European Task Force and the Pigmentary disorders group of the EADV. Dr Picardo is member of the Editoral Board of some dermatological and biochemical journals including Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research. He was associated editor of Pigment Cell Research. He is author of more than 250 publications in peer reviewed journals and of more than 30 chapters in different books. In collaboration with A. Taieb is co-editor of a text “Vitiligo” (Springer ed, 2010). Dr Mauro Picardo is the President of the International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies.
Mark Berneburg (GERMANY)
Potential molecular mechanisms underlying pigmentary changes in DNA repair disorders

After his medical training Mark Berneburg specialized in Dermatology in the department of Pr. Thomas Ruzicka under the supervision of Pr. Jean Krutmann in the Department of Dermatology, Düsseldorf, Germany. From 1997-1999 he did a postdoc in the laboratory of Pr. Alan Lehmann at the MRC Cell Mutation Unit, Brighton, UK. In 1999 he returned to Düsseldorf to set up his own scientific young investigator group funded by the DFG Emmy Noether Program. In 2002 he became board certified dermatologist and was appointed head of the laser section in the Department of Dermatology, Düsseldorf. In 2003 he accepted a clinical consultant position and Assistant Professorship in the Department of Dermatology, Director Pr. Martin Röcken, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany. Here he currently works as clinical and scientific head consultant. Clinical work comprises general dermatology of inpatients including all stages of melanoma, Phototherapy and Photodiagnostics, Photodynamic Therapy and Lymphoma.
He is head of the Center for Rare Skin Diseases and his laboratory is reference center for rare diseases with defects in DNA repair. His scientific interest and expertise lies in the areas of genodermatoses with increased skin cancer and pigmentary changes, photobiology including photocarcinogenesis and photoaging.
Mark Berneburg has published scientific and clinical papers in more than 90 highly ranked international, peer reviewed journals as well as more than 20 reviews and more than 20 book chapters.
Tania Cestari (Porto Alegre, BRAZIL)
Aspects of photoprotection in hyperpigmentary disorders

Tania Cestari received her undergraduate degree in Medicine from the University of Rio Grande do Sul and her MS and PhD from the University of Rio de Janeiro. She is presently Associate Professor of Dermatology at the School of Medicine from University of Rio Grande do Sul, Chairperson of the Department of Dermatology and of the Laboratory of Applied Photomedicine of the Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre Research Center.
Dr Cestari serves as Effective Member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, American Academy of Dermatology, International Society of Dermatology, American Society of Photobiology, Latin American Society of Photobiology and Photomedicine, Latin American Society of Pediatric Dermatology and of the Women's Dermatological Society. She participates actively on that organizations and is, currently, vice-president and Chair of the Maria Duran Committee of the ISD, member of the AAD World Congress Fund Review Task Force, member of the International Affairs Committee of the Women's Dermatological Society and member of the TC 6-48 (Americas’ Sector - Sensitivity of human skin to ultraviolet radiation Task Force) of the CIE (Comission Internacionale de L´Eclairage – International Commission on Illumination).
Besides teaching Graduation students Dr Cestari acts as supervisor and adviser of the Post Graduation Course in Children and Adolescent Health and has oriented 27 MS and 11 PhD thesis. Her research interests include mainly pigmentary disorders, photodermatology and skin diseases in children.
Marta Rendon (Miami, USA)
Topical treatment of hyperpigmentary disorders

Dr. Marta I. Rendon, a double board-certified physician on the forefront of cosmetic dermatology and research, is on a life-long mission: to perfect the science, research, technologies, and treatment applications in dermatologic medicine. Her mission is one of passion and profession, of which she practices daily at The Rendon Center for Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine in Boca Raton, Florida.
Dr. Rendon’s efforts expand globally, with her designation as the Global Celebrity Dermatologist for Procter & Gamble Haircare’s Head & Shoulders brand. As the global spokesperson for Head & Shoulders, Dr. Rendon participates in brand initiatives including television commercials, speaking appearances and brand ambassador opportunities with global, national and regional broadcast, print and online media outlets.
Dr Rendon’s medical mission begins first and foremost with her daily interaction with patients through evaluating both medical and cosmetic patients (a large percentage are physicians and well known celebrities) and consulting with her practice’s physician assistants, medical assistants, plastic surgeons and other board certified professionals.
With over 25 years in the healthcare industry, Dr. Rendon is a world-renowned researcher which specialty interests include cosmetic dermatology, laser surgery, wound care, dermatologic surgery as well as the innovative treatment of pigmentary disorders experienced by patients of color. As founder of Skin Care Research Inc., a clinical research division of her practice, Dr. Rendon and her team have led stage II, III and IV clinical trials for products and treatments developed by several worldwide brands.
Dr. Rendon has served as a clinical associate professor in the Department of Dermatology at the University Of Miami School Of Medicine for over 20 years and is the former chairperson of the Department of Dermatology of Cleveland Clinic Florida. In addition, Dr Rendon serves as a clinical associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Fla., an affiliation of University of Miami School of Medicine.
Dr. Rendon earned her medical degree from the prestigious University of Puerto Rico, San Juan. After completing her internal medicine residency at Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, Dr. Rendon completed a vigorous two-year program involving the study of Hansen’s disease at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services training facility in Carville, La. After earning her residency in dermatology at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas, Dr. Rendon also trained in superficial anatomy and cutaneous surgery at the Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation in San Diego, laser surgery at Marshfield Medical Research Foundation in Marshfield, Wis., and phototherapy and photobiology at Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore, Md.
Her mission has a voice: Dr. Rendon has been featured on numerous television news and entertainment programs, including CNN, Telemundo and the Daily Buzz. Dr. Rendon’s expertise has been recognized and shared in many global magazines, including Vogue, Allure, ELLE, Harper’s Bazaar and New Beauty. Dr. Rendon has also written multiple books and book chapters and has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals. Through skill, determination and compassion for patients suffering from skin disorders, Dr. Rendon has achieved a notable national and international reputation in her specialty.
Thierry Passeron (FRANCE)
Lasers in hyperpigmentary disorders

After his medical training Thierry Passeron specialized in Dermatology in the department of Pr. Jean-Paul
Ortonne in Nice University Hospital. He worked also one year in Principal Hospital of Dakar, Senegal. In
2003 he published his thesis on the use of Excimer laser in Dermatology. He worked as clinical assistant in
the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Nice from 2003-2005. Concomitantly he developed
fundamental researches in the laboratory of Dr Robert Ballotti (INSERM U895). From 2005 to 2007, he worked
in the laboratory of Dr. Vincent J. Hearing at the National Institute of Health, National Cancer Institute
(Bethesda, USA) and characterized the role of SOX9 in melanocytes and in melanoma. He passed his PhD in
2008. Since 2010, he is Professor of Dermatology in the University hospital of Nice. He also heads the laboratory
INSERM U1065 team 12, C3M dedicated to the research of melanocytic differentiation. He heads the University laser
center in Nice. He has two international patents and more than 80 publications in scientific journals. His fields of research include pigmentary
disorders, melanoma and lasers.
Didier Guerrero (Béziers, FRANCE)
Cosmetic treatments // Medical make-up workshop

Doctor Guerrero was one of the first person working on developing the Avène hydrotherapy center along with the Avène brand.
For the last 20 years he has been helping on working in the development and implementation of clinical studies and pharmaco-clinical studies on the Thermal Spring Water, along with its contribution in the development of dermo-cosmetic products.
As an Expert Dermatologist he participated in major International Congresses such as AAD, EADV, RADLA, and the World Congress of Dermatology in 2002 and 2007 and the Dermatologist Days in Paris.
Doctor Guerrero participated also in National Congresses in European countries but also in Japan, China, Taiwan, Canada and Brazil.
He worked on the interest of using the Thermal Spring Water for treating skin pathologies and the leading role of the dermo-cosmetic products in the treatment of dermatosis.
Doctor Guerrero is also the author and co-author of various publications and poster about the use of the Thermal Spring Water, the evaluation of dermo-cosmetic actives in acne, atopy, aging, sensitive skin and therapeutic education.
He also participated in reference publication on healing, cosmetic active ingredients, and an essay on psychosomatic medicine.
Joëlle Nonni (Avène Hydrotherapy Center, FRANCE)
Cosmetic treatments // Medical make-up workshop

After her training as esthetician, Joëlle Nonni quickly focused her activity on the medical sector. In 1993, while working at the Saint Louis Hospital (Paris) and at the request of Pr Caroline Robert, Joëlle Nonni established a medical esthetics approach.
Her first experience of putting makeup on a Xeroderma Pigmentosum patient had been pivotal to really appreciate the positive impact that this type of approach can have on patients’ quality of life.
After having worked on cicatrisation troubles and on patients suffering from severe burns at different locations around Paris, she launched a workshop on medical makeup at the Avène Hydrotherapy Center. There, Joëlle developped makeup techniques that are compatible with symptoms of skin diseases as diverse as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, vitiligo, acne, and hyperpigmentation.
Joëlle Nonni is the author of several articles on the different indications for medical makeup that were published in the medical press.
She is an instructor in numerous education programs in France (including several university degrees) and abroad, where she transmits her knowledge and experience in order to enable the medical staff to help patients to camouflage any temporary or permanent skin imperfections.
Being in daily contact with patients also helped her to appreciate the importance of therapeutic patient education. As the director of the patient education workshops in Avène, Joëlle Nonni is in charge of several programs that emphasize a global treatment approach of patients, including specific measures to promote skin health. Because of her practical experience, Joëlle is also involved in the extension and development of the medical makeup line of Laboratoires Dermatologiques Avène.
Thierry Passeron (FRANCE)
Interactive clinical cases of hyperpigmented disorders
After his medical training Thierry Passeron specialized in Dermatology in the department of Pr. Jean-Paul
Ortonne in Nice University Hospital. He worked also one year in Principal Hospital of Dakar, Senegal. In
2003 he published his thesis on the use of Excimer laser in Dermatology. He worked as clinical assistant in
the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Nice from 2003-2005. Concomitantly he developed
fundamental researches in the laboratory of Dr Robert Ballotti (INSERM U895). From 2005 to 2007, he worked
in the laboratory of Dr. Vincent J. Hearing at the National Institute of Health, National Cancer Institute
(Bethesda, USA) and characterized the role of SOX9 in melanocytes and in melanoma. He passed his PhD in
2008. Since 2010, he is Professor of Dermatology in the University hospital of Nice. He also heads the laboratory
INSERM U1065 team 12, C3M dedicated to the research of melanocytic differentiation. He heads the University laser
center in Nice. He has two international patents and more than 80 publications in scientific journals. His fields of research include pigmentary
disorders, melanoma and lasers.